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The start of something stellar...

I’ve been writing since I was old enough to understand the words and concepts that make up a story. Even as a kid, I used to conjure up tales with my imagination, sharing them with anyone who would listen. Though I've developed my storytelling muscle quite a bit since then, the thrill of creation I first discovered as a child has never gone away.

My journey as a writer truly began when I was just twelve years old, a shy and awkward seventh-grader who had always been in love with stories, even if I didn't know it yet. One day, my English teacher assigned the class a short, one-page writing assignment. The class could write from a provided prompt or choose something to write about on their own. I jumped at the opportunity to show my creative side and started a story from scratch. By the time I turned in the assignment, it was four pages long. The second time the teacher issued a similar assignment, she later canceled it in order to move on to something else. But I had grown too attached to the ideas and characters I had written about to just throw it all away. So I kept writing. It became my obsession. And after some time, I completed my very first "novel," handwritten in cursive (I know, I'm insane), coming out to a total of 108 pages.

I've written many a story since then, some of which will probably never see the light of day. It's been a long road to get to where I am. I'd like to think that I know a bit more about writing a great story now than I did at twelve, but I also know there's always room to grow. In the end, that's what I believe storytelling is about: growth.

So if compelling stories that sweep you off to distant worlds sound intriguing to you, come and join me on this wonderful journey so we can all grow together.​​​


I write mostly young adult and adult science fiction and fantasy novels, with a penchant for dystopian, thriller, science-fantasy, space opera, and more. I suppose you could consider me a multi-genre author, as I love to try new things and go where my imagination leads. Many of my works also have theological elements woven throughout, whether overt or underlying, to reflect my Christian faith.

My goal is to craft stories that readers will love just as much as I do, and to create characters that will capture your imagination and leave you wanting more. 

I pride myself on writing character-focused stories with intricate interpersonal relationships. My novels are always full of action, suspense, drama, and sometimes even a bit of romance and humor! If you enjoy reading about alternate realms where magic is real or have ever dreamed about traveling to a distant planet, then I’m sure you’ll love my books!

As an independent author, I have the privilege of bringing unique stories to life. My love for writing has led me to explore various genres and themes, offering readers with a fresh perspective on storytelling. I am always looking for new ways to hone my skills and take on new challenges. If you are a fan of captivating and unconventional stories, you've come to the right place.

I've worked so hard to turn my dream into a reality as a published author. It's been quite the labor of love, and I'm sure that will continue to be the case as I create more stories. I'm elated to have you join me on my writing and publishing endeavors!


Because all of us are a constellation of traits and talents.

It goes without saying that writing is my greatest passion. Not only is it enjoyable for me, it also serves several purposes. Do I need an escape from the drivel of daily life? Do I need to better understand what's rattling around inside my brain? Writing is my gateway to all of that. It's catharsis at my fingertips. I love telling stories about rebel underdogs, expansive conflicts, and spacefaring escapades.

When I'm not writing, I can be found geeking out over my favorite movies and TV shows, reading, dabbling in photography, playing video games, sketching, or composing tunes at the piano. If not otherwise occupied, then I'm definitely daydreaming about my next book.

I'm also a big fan of chocolate, cheese, and a hot chai latte, no matter what time of year. Oh, and ramen. Anyone who knows me knows that I have an unhealthy, ongoing obsession with ramen. 

I currently live in sunny California with my husband and infant daughter.

So, there's a little about me. Now let's go on some adventures together.

If you have any questions or comments for me, get in touch here!

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